“恩恩,认识你们真好,这样吧,大家干一杯庆祝一下。”胡星乐扯着嘴角笑得灿烂的举起手里的酒杯向大家碰杯.... “好好,干一杯。”安睿晟也把自己喝的酒杯也举了起来,停在半空和胡星乐的酒杯撞在了一起。 接着大家把举起手里喝着的酒杯一起撞杯再一饮而尽。 喝到一半安睿晟说肚子痛要去上厕所,就急着开门跑了出去。 胡星乐几杯下去,也有些飘飘然的感觉了,头有些晕了,还是很开心的喝着....靠在沙发上静静的闭上眼睛,慢慢的享受着这一丝丝气氛,第一次觉得自己这么轻松过,从来没有发现自由是这样?无忧无虑....脑子里也不用装那么多的东西,每晚回家都要看书看好几个小时...几乎自己的时间都是和书本一起过.... 紧闭的双眸长长睫毛无意的散乱的动着..白皙而瘦小的娃娃脸是那么鲜明夺目,薄唇微微上扬,那丝狡黠的笑容像在幻想着什么美好的事一样?仿佛是那么享受... 坐在一旁的季千桃静静的把这一切只属于她的美好全看在眼里。 从来没有一个男生可以让她这么动心,她一定会让胡汐狱喜欢上她的. 大家都很享受的喝着洒,听着歌... 放着陶喆唱的那首爱情歌“爱,很简单”英文版,是stewart mac唱的,那熟悉的音乐和旋律,胡星乐轻轻跟着节奏和歌词哼喝了起来.... “there was once a broken man who walked a lonely road and gave up all his dreams i was once this broken man stared into the sun and just refuse to see i wa slost amongst the clouds that would'nt fade i was looking for an answer i was searching but i didn’t take the time i was downandout andfeeling so afraid i love youthe way that you turn me roundand chase away my blues i love youthe way that you change my worldwhen i’m with youlove may come and love may gobut now its here to stayforever and a dayand when i see you **ilei fall into your eyesto never fade way i need you hear to make the dark clouds dift away and to make the mornings bright againi’m right here for you theres nothing more to sayi ’m just happy that your mine and here to stay i love youthe way that you turn me roundand chase away my blues i love youthe way that ypu change my worldwhen i’m with youit doesn’t matter where we're from and where we are going”她深情的,专注的唱,像在怀恋某个人一样,那种思念是那么强烈,却又是那么陌生,此时此刻包房里的人都沉醉在了那深情而悦耳的声音里面....M.Coojx.COm